I really do need to ask this question. I appreciate my followers and yes, they’re a loyal bunch. I do need to EVERYBODY one question and everyone on the Internet.
We all go about our lives. We see the homeless person at the exit ramp, on the sidewalk, etc. Granted a lot of them are gaming the system, but they are a small group of those people.
I’m going to admit something. I’m a technologist and by nature, I’m selfish. Come to think of it, I don’t know of one that isn’t. Forget technologists, let’s just talk about the bunch that have jobs. I don’t understand it.
Everyone wants to get, but very few give. I applaud all of the people on the internet that post quality information for people to share. You’re the givers of the internet. The rest of us? We take.
That’s all it’s about, isn’t it? Let’s just see how far we can get. I’d rather go to starbucks than spend that $5.00 making someone’s life better. You can justify it to yourself all you want (don’t get me wrong, occasionally, I’m just as guilty). I’m no angel.
But how much is it to ask that we support something that actually means something. Those of us who have taken the time to stumble up my posts. Thank You. I know you’re doing your best supporting me.
I have a challenge out there for all of us. Let’s take the money from 1 Starbucks trip and donate it to my cause to help the jobless. It could be your mother, father, wife, girlfriend, husband, etc.
You can justify it by saying you “tithe” or give to your temple or your mosque. I’m asking you to directly support a project that actually makes a difference.
I’m not trying to solve hunger in Somalia with that line of “Just for a cup of coffee you can feed a child for a month” and then taking 80% of it as a 501c3 as “operating revenue”.
I’m asking you to take that one cup of Starbucks Java and donating it to a cause that makes a difference.
I’ve even gone so far as to give away free tech support (my time) in return for your donation. I spend 5-6 hours a day already planning the rewrite of the book. I want to give it away.
I’ve spent my time translating it into French and Spanish. I just don’t believe that we as a people are so selfish that our “Double Mocha Latte with a French Twist Vente whatever” is going to make a huge difference to your life. So for that one trip, instead of going to Starbucks, consider donating to the cause and getting one cup of that crappy coffee in the break room.
Yes, I go to Starbucks. Yes I am sometimes selfish. I’m just as guilty. What I’m asking is for all of us to just take a moment and think about the fact that we could be that person on the other side of the job front. Unemployed for months.
I challenge the Unions to urge their membership to donate $1.00 each.
I challenge the corporations who are letting the people go to just donate $1000.00. Is it so much? If you have 100 employees, getting them to each donate $10.00 is not a big deal. They’re employed.
I challenge the politicians to actually do something and take up a cause. A real cause. For once in your life. Get your constituents to donate. God forbid you just might feel better.
It doesn’t matter what party you belong to, “Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Undecided”… Just donate. It doesn’t have to be to my cause, but for just do something good.
I challenge small businesses (and don’t cry poverty.. at least you’ve got some business).. To donate $100.00.
I challenge our presidents (current, future candidates, and past) to donate $1.00. Can you take me and the internet up on that? Just $1.00.
Lawyers, Doctors, and other professionals: I challenge you to take the profit you make from one patient or client visit and donate it to a cause worthy.. not because it’s a tax deduction, but because it’s the right thing to do.
Yes.. I’ll probably get a ton of hate mail for this, but it just doesn’t take a lot. I challenge the internet Giants; Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft to donate even a dollar.
Don’t give me that crap about taking a $1.00 salary. Cash in One Share of your stock options and donate that.
We’re a society of hypocrites if we don’t. Aren’t we supposed to be an evolved group? So let’s show it.
It’s not about anything else.. Just simply compassion, empathy, and most importantly, being human.
Sorry.. I just find it completely disgusting to be a member of the human race if we can’t as a people just be more “human”.
To all of those Christians out there.. sorry for taking the name of God in Vain.. It just affects me so much to see where this world has gone.
Is it just about Profits and Losses? or is it about Living your life and being proud of what you’ve accomplished?
For one thing.. At least I’m putting my money where my mouth is.. I’m giving away free tech support on top of everything else if you just donate to my project. Let’s see some other companies and businesses offer up something. It’s not like it’ll cost you so much.
Let’s just get back to being human.. even if it is for a just a few minutes. I also challenge everyone to take the 5 minutes to stumble, submit to reddit, share on their facebook, etc. This challenge. It’s not about the traffic. It’s about letting everyone remember that we need to be human.