If you’ve had issues with getting the change_sqlpass plugin to work on squirrelmail, there are definitely quite a few mashinations of the system on how to get it to work on Centos 5.x
So here’s how I got it to work. Please keep in mind that the following matters.
Your SQL Mail Table called users or whatever it’s called. (mine is called users) has the following fields in the table:
email, password, quota.
You need to make the following changes accordingly depending on how yours is set up (field names).
$csp_salt_query = 'SELECT SUBSTRING(PASSWORD, 4, 8 ) FROM users WHERE email = "%1"';
$password_encryption = ‘MYSQLENCRYPT’;
$csp_salt_static = ‘LEFT(password, 2)’;
$password_encryption = ‘MYSQLENCRYPT’;
If it still isn’t working for you, I’ve packaged up and made modifications to my plugin. You can buy it here. It comes with my support and minor configuration.
$25.00 Ready to Go / Modified Change_SQLPASS plugin: [wp_eStore_buy_now:product_id:5:end]
If you don’t want to bother with configuring a completely new setup, just subscribe below and you can have a full blown virtual Mysql, TLS Authenticated, Virtual Domains and Mailboxes mailserver with plenty of storage and ready to go. You’ll be able to host unlimited domains and emails until your disk space runs out. Setup Time to get your server during weekdays is usually less than 2 hours. You will get instructions on how to manage your server and when I say it’s easy, I mean.. It’s REALLY Easy.
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