[singlepic id=57] This little tidbit is written for Redhat / CentOS, but with a little bit of work, the concepts and commands are easily modified for any flavor of linux. If you’re sitting on a LAMP stack and you’ve had a defection or just haven’t documented your passwords in a safe place, the easiest…
Website Slow? Here are a few tips.
Ok. So you have a slow website. Depending on the architecture, there are a couple of different ways we can speed it up. We need to remember that the technology you’re riding on is going to make a big difference. There are many factors that can make your website slow. Inefficient Code Large Graphics files…
The Cloud or Regular Servers, a Technical and business comparison.
We all here about “The Cloud” today and Virtual Private Servers. The reality is 10 years ago, virtualization as a technology was still in it’s infancy. While it seemed like a good idea, the reality is, it wasn’t ready for prime time business. It was more of an exploration of technology, the next logical step;…
Why a cheap Cisco, Dlink, Netgear firewall just doesn’t make the cut.
This article sponsored by: Cheappfsensefirewalls.com (I own the shop for full disclosure) There are many reasons why one would go with an over the counter router you could buy at Best Buy. The reality is you’re missing out on a lot of the features and most importantly, performance. Most people buy a Linksys, Dlink, Netgear…
Word or Office Application could not create the work file check the temp environment variable [Solved]
If you all of a sudden get this error, don’t fret. Just do the following: open Regedit (as administrator) from the Start / run prompt or just open a dos window and type regedit.exe Navigate to: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerUser Shell Folders You should see a key called: Cache registry key Double-click on it and change it’s value…
So I opened a Firewall Appliance Store.. (Shameless Plug)
I’ve opened up a new webstore called cheappfsensefirewalls.com If you need some one on one Training with PFsense, I can supply it: $75.00 [wp_eStore_buy_now:product_id:7:end] The concept is to sell pfsense firewall appliances. Let me know what you think. Also, for any purchase from the store, I will donate $5.00 towards to the pfsense developers. So…
How to make the Internet Explorer 9 Address Bar Longer [Solved]
If you’re anything like me, you like a nice long address bar. Preferably to go across the entire top of the screen if you can. The introduction of Internet Explorer (IE) 9 and previous versions has just added to the list of windows annoyances. This is actually easily rectified in two easy steps. So here’s…
PFSense Routing all or some traffic through StrongVPN using OpenVPN
After Reading This Posting, consider reading the posting I have up on the Amazon Free Tier VPN Server I have up. Getting VPN Services for a year while being able to control both ends of the tunnel is something that’s really nice. If you sign up using my EC2 Link here below, I’ll give you…
Netflix and ISP Throttling bypassed by VPN [Solved]
After Reading This Posting, consider reading the posting I have up on the Amazon Free Tier VPN Server I have up. Getting VPN Services for a year while being able to control both ends of the tunnel is something that’s really nice. If you sign up using my EC2 Link here below, I’ll give you…
Promise Pegasys R6 R4 on Windows Bootcamp [SOLVED]
This link has moved. go here.