Many people have emailed me asking me to define what a down economy is in my eyes. So here’s my answer:
When I refer to a down economy, I’m referring to an impending global problem that is currently our paradigm. The whole monetary system is in a state of distress and it’s causing corporations to justify Reduction in Force (RIF) to be the solution to boost revenue.
The reality is unemployment is really around 30%. They keep changing the way the calculate it (They being the politicians) considering the elections are pretty much here. They need to show a win.
When there are so many skilled people out of a job for no other reason other than corporations, banks, lobbyists all looking out for their own good, you have to wonder what happened to good old ethics and morality?
So when I talk about this economy, I’m talking about a Down economy. Not just in the US, but globally. Europe is about 6 months behind us in the curve and certain Asian countries are undercutting our prices using slave labor.
It’s affecting everyone and the effects of it are astounding. We can blame the bankers, politicians, or anyone else, but the reality is if we don’t change the way “WE” think as a people, we’re not going to find new opportunities.
I’m just sharing my knowledge with the hopes that it will help just one person. (hopefully more than one, but just one person would have made this project and my effort worthwhile.)
Other books about getting a new job, interviewing, etc. weren’t written with the current paradigm in mind.
When people are pulling out of stocks and putting their money into Gold, you have a real problem. This isn’t a local or regional epidemic; it’s global. So when I speak of the Economy, I speak of where we’ve been for the last 6-8 yrs.
I’m not trying to start a war here, but it’s just my personal opinion. At the end of the day, my intentions are good. I just want to help people.
Today’s the last day to get it for free. Even if you do have a job, recommend it to those on your facebook or twitter or wherever you frequent to download it and read it. It’s a quick read and I’m desparately looking for reviews.
The book is entitled, “Surviving the Economy and Making Money in a Down Economy A Guide to Coping with Unemployment and Finding New Opportunities” and can be found by clicking on the title.
It’s an interesting and short read that gets to the point. Hopefully, like I have said in the past, if it makes a difference in even one person’s life, it has served its purpose.
Another person asked me did I mean, “Tenets” when I used the word “Tenants”. I meant to use “Tenants”, because you will have to live with these rules you set. You’re the landlord of your destiny.
I’m really looking for reviews. I’m more than happy to give the book away for free, but all I ask is you review the book on Amazon. As I’ve said in the past, it’s about supporting my family (this blog) and it’s been a long, hard, road.
I’d also like to point out you don’t need a kindle to read the book. Amazon puts out FREE reading applications for PC, Mac, iphone, ipad, and Android.
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Superbly illuminating data here, thnkas!