UPDATE: It took a little longer than I thought to get this book on Promo, but it’s free for 3 days. If you download it and find it remotely helpful, please write a positive review on the Amazon site. Thank You.
I wrote a book and decided to post it in the Amazon Kindle Store. It’s called:

It’s a guide for the Unemployed and Dealing in this economy. Hopefully, People will enjoy it.
You can find it by clicking on this link here: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0085QZIJE
Hopefully it helps. Help me get the word out!
The book will be free for Amazon Download the next 3 Days. If you don’t own a kindle, you can always download the application.
All I ask is you please review the book on Amazon.
Here’s a short Excerpt from the book:
What Can I Do? Where do I start?
These are the questions that everyone will ask themselves almost immediately. These are questions of stress, but let’s take out that notebook and add another list.
Call this list: My Skills
This should list everything you’re capable of doing even if it had nothing to do with your prior job / career. Think back to your childhood. What were you good at?
Here’s an example: I’ll use myself as an example, but I’m not going to list everything. If I did, it would be a book unto itself.
My personal list is long, but I’ll give you a few ideas:
Percy’s List of Skills
- Computers and Technology: I’m good at it. I can program, I can architect, I can manage
- Writing: I can write
- Logistics and Planning: I’m excellent at planning and strategy.
- I’m Kind: I’m a good listener.
- Sales: I can sell things if they’re good products
- Dreamer: I’m a dreamer, I can figure out new products and solutions.
- Traveler: I’m a traveler
- Photography: I own a camera and I’m better than most wedding photographers
- Lateral Thinking: I can usually find problems through “Out of the Box” thinking.
- Accounting: I’m good about keeping track of sales goals and the money and Profits and Losses
- Speaker: I’m very good at speaking about things. I get my point across
- Presentations: I’m great with Powerpoint and making presentations.
- Partying: I know how to have a good time.
- Handy: I can do electrical, wood work, plumbing, pretty much repair anything.
Notice how I made the list? I listed something and then followed it up with a quick and concise statement about what it is I’m good at. I always started the statement with “I’m good or I can”
Why is this important? You need to see your self-worth. You need to follow it up with a statement that validates that self-worth with the skill you’ve listed.
Take your time. Making this list should be something that shouldn’t take a day, but take at least 2-3 days. Whenever you come up with something or you realize something, write it on your list. Enlist the help of family members and friends to help you fill out that list. You’d be surprised at how quickly it grows.
Remember, the book is free for the next 3 days on Amazon! Post reviews please !